@article{Ratti:2001g4, author = "Ratti, Sergio and Altieri, S. and Baratti, V. and Belli, G. and Bruno, Giuseppe and Guida, Roberto and Imbres, E. and Musitelli, G. and Nardo', R. and Riccardi, C. and Torre, P. and Vicini, Alessandro and Vitulo, P. and Abbrescia, M. and Colaleo, A. and Iaselli, G. and Loddo, F. and Maggi, M. and Marangelli, B. and Natali, S. and Nuzzo, S. and Pugliese, G. and Ranieri, A. and Romano, F. and Volpe, F.", title = "{RPC sensitivity to low energy neutrons and gamma rays: preliminary results }", doi = "10.22323/1.007.0268", journal = "PoS", year = 2001, volume = "hep2001", pages = "268" }