@article{Ericsson:2007ql, author = "Ericsson, Goran and Andersson-Sunden, E. and Sjostrand, H. and Conroy, S. and Gatu-Johnson, M. and Giacomelli, L. and Hellesen, C. and Hjalmarsson, A. and Kallne, J. and Ronchi, E. and Weiszflog, M. and Wikstrom, G. and Gorini, G. and Tardocchi, M. and Pereira, R. C. and Combo, A. and Cruz, N. and Sousa, J. and Correia, C. and Popovichev, S.", title = "{UPGRADE OF THE MAGNETIC PROTON RECOIL (MPRU) SPECTROMETER FOR 1.5-18 MEV NEUTRONS FOR JET AND THE NEXT STEP}", doi = "10.22323/1.025.0039", journal = "PoS", year = 2007, volume = "FNDA2006", pages = "039" }