@article{Mazzocchi:2009xZ, author = "Mazzocchi, Chiara and Grzywacz, Robert and Liddick, S. N. and Rykaczewski, Krzysztof P. and Schatz, Hendrik and Batchelder, J. C. and Bingham, C. R. and Cartegni, L. and Gross, C. J. and Hamilton, J. H. and Hwang, J.K. and Ilyushkin, S. and Korgul, A. and Krolas, Wojciech and Li, K. and page, R. D. and Winger, J. A.", title = "{Alpha decay of 109I and the implications for the rapid-proton capture process}", doi = "10.22323/1.053.0063", journal = "PoS", year = 2009, volume = "NIC X", pages = "063" }