@inproceedings{Rakotozafindrabe:2013O/, author = "Rakotozafindrabe, Andry and Anselmino, Mauro and Arnaldi, R. and Scomparin, Enrico and Brodsky, Stanley J. and Chambert, Valérie and Didelez, Jean-Pierre and Genolini, Bernard and Hadjidakis, Cynthia and Lansberg, Jean-Philippe and Lorcé, Cédric and Rosier, Philippe and Gonzalez Ferreiro, Elena and Fleuret, Frédéric and Schienbein, Ingo and Uggerhoej, Ulrik", title = "{AFTER@LHC: A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC}", doi = "10.22323/1.191.0250", booktitle = "Proceedings of XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects {\textemdash} PoS(DIS 2013)", year = 2013, volume = "191", pages = "250" }