@inproceedings{Ramakrishnan:2015hd, author = "Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh and Leon-Tavares, Jonathan and Rastorgueva-Foi, Elizaveta and Wiik, K. and Jorstad, Svetlana G. and Marscher, Alan and Tornikoski, Merja and Agudo, I. and Lahteenmaki, Anne and Valtaoja, Esko and Aller, M. F. and Blinov, Dmitry A. and Casadio, Carolina and Efimova, Natalia V. and Gurwell, Mark A. and Gómez, José L. and Hagen-Thorn, Vladimir A. and Joshi, Manasvita and Järvelä, Emilia and Konstantinova, Tatiana S. and Kopatskaya, Evgenia N. and Larionov, Valeri M. and Larionova, Elena G. and Larionova, Liudmilla V. and Lavonen, Niko and MacDonald, Nicholas R. and McHardy, Ian and Molina, Sol N. and Morozova, Daria A. and Nieppola, Elina and Tammi, Joni and Taylor, Brian W. and Troitsky, Ivan S.", title = "{Connection between parsec-scale radio jet and gamma-ray flares in the blazar 1156+295}", doi = "10.22323/1.230.0015", booktitle = "Proceedings of 12th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting {\textemdash} PoS(EVN 2014)", year = 2015, volume = "230", pages = "015" }