@article{Lico:2015F0, author = "Lico, Rocco and Giroletti, Marcello and Orienti, Monica and Gómez, José L. and Casadio, Carolina and D'Ammando, Filippo and Cotton, W. and Edwards, Phil G. and Fuhrmann, Lars and Jorstad, Svetlana G. and Kino, Motoki and Kovalev, Yuri Y. and Krichbaum, T. P. and Marscher, Alan and Paneque, David and Sokolovsky, Kirill and Piner, B.Glenn and Blasi, Maria Grazia", title = "{Very Long Baseline Polarimetry and the Gamma-ray connection in Markarian 421 during the broadband campaign in 2011}", doi = "10.22323/1.230.0025", journal = "PoS", year = 2015, volume = "EVN 2014", pages = "025" }