Atmospheric monitoring and array calibration in CTA using the Cherenkov Transparency Coefficient
S. Stefanik*, R. de los Reyes, D. Nosek on behalf of the CTA Consortium
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation observatory employing different types of Cherenkov telescopes for the detection of particle showers initiated by very-high-energy gamma rays. A good knowledge of the Earth's atmosphere, which acts as a calorimeter in the detection technique, will be crucial for calibration in CTA. Variations of the atmosphere's transparency to Cherenkov light and not correctly performed calibration of individual telescopes in the array result in large systematic uncertainties on the energy scale. The Cherenkov Transparency Coefficient (CTC), developed within the H.E.S.S. experiment, quantifies the mean atmosphere transparency ascertained from data taken by Cherenkov telescopes during scientific observations. Provided that atmospheric conditions over the array are uniform, transparency values obtained per telescope can be also used for the calibration of individual telescope responses. The application of the CTC in CTA presents a challenge due to the greater complexity of the observatory and the variety of telescope cameras compared with currently operating experiments, such as H.E.S.S. We present here the first results of a feasibility study for extension of the CTC concept in CTA for purposes of the inter-calibration of the telescopes in the array and monitoring of the atmosphere.
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