PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 341 - The 20th International Workshop on Neutrinos (NuFACT2018) - Wg 3
Status of the ENUBET project
G. Brunetti*, F. Acerbi, G. Ballerini, M. Bonesini, C. Brizzolari, M. Calviani, S. Carturan, M.G. Catanesi, S. Cecchini, F. Cindolo, G. Collazuol, E. Conti, F. Dal Corso, G. De Rosa, C. Delogu, A. Falcone, B. Goddard, A. Gola, R.A. Intonti, C. Jollet, V. Kain, B. Klicek, Y.G. Kudenko, M. Laveder, A. Longhin, P.F. Loverre, L. Ludovici, L. Magaletti, G. Mandrioli, A. Margotti, V. Mascagna, N. Mauri, A. Meregaglia, M. Mezzetto, M. Nessi, A. Paoloni, M. Pari, E. Parozzi, L. Pasqualini, G. Paternoster, L. Patrizii, C. Piemonte, M. Pozzato, M. Prest, F. Pupilli, E. Radicioni, C. Riccio, A.C. Ruggeri, C. Scian, G. Sirri, M. Soldani, M. Stipcevic, M. Tenti, F. Terranova, M. Torti, E. Vallazza, F. Velotti, M. Vesco and L. Votanoet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: August 24, 2019
Published on: December 12, 2019
The ENUBET project is studying a narrow band neutrino beam where lepton production can be monitored at single particle level in an instrumented decay tunnel and that could provide a 1% measurement of the neutrino flux at source.
The three body semi-leptonic decay of kaons monitored by large angle positron production offers a fully controlled $\nu_{e}$ source at the GeV scale for a new generation of short baseline experiments.
The ENUBET Collaboration presented at NuFact2018 the first end-to-end simulation of the beamline, the physics performance and the results of the test beam performed on the positron tagger.
We reported ENUBET expected fluxes for $\nu_{e}$ and $\nu_{\mu}$
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.341.0122
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