PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 341 - The 20th International Workshop on Neutrinos (NuFACT2018) - Wg 4
Search for lepton flavour violation with the ATLAS detector
W.S. Chan*  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
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Pre-published on: October 15, 2019
Published on: December 12, 2019
Charged lepton flavour violation is an unambiguous signal of beyond-the-Standard-Model phenomena. The search for lepton flavour violation with the ATLAS detector is reported in searches that focus on decays of the $Z$ boson, Higgs boson, $\tau$ lepton and some hypothetical heavy neutral particles or objects, including the extended gauge bosons, R-parity-violating supersymmetry sneutrinos and quantum black holes, using $pp$ collisions data with centre-of-mass energies of 8 TeV and 13 TeV.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.341.0131
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