PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 425 - The Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observations - 2022 (MUTO2022) - Astronomical instruments and methods
A study of the astroclimate in the Dagestan mountains Agul region and at the Ali Observatory in Tibet as possible locations for the Eurasian SubMM Telescopes (ESMT)
V.B. Khaikin*, V.B. Khaikin, A.Y. Shikhovtsev, A.P. Mironov and X. Qian
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Pre-published on: October 01, 2022
Published on: December 14, 2022
Using ERA-5 reanalysis, GNSS method, as well as meteorological and observational data, statistics of PWV, TCC, SD and other astroclimate indicators were obtained for a number of possible ESMT locations in the Russian Federation. These sites are compared with the Ali observatory in Tibet and the BTA location area. The first results of PWV GNSS measurements on Mount Kurapdag convincingly confirm the choice made earlier using ERA-5 reanalysis data.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.425.0072
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