PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 438 - 11th International Conference on Hard and Elecctromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2023) - Jets and their modification in QCD matter
$R$-dependence of jet observables with JEWEL+v-USPhydro
L. Barreto*, F. De Moraes Canedo, M.M. Melo Paulino, J. Noronha-Hostler, J. Noronha and M. Gameiro Munhoz
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Published on: February 16, 2024
The $R$-dependence of jet observables provides a new tool in understanding the interplay between the jet energy-loss mechanism and medium response in heavy-ion collisions. This work applies the Monte Carlo events generator JEWEL and PYTHIA, coupled with $\rm T_{R}ENTo$ initial conditions and the state-of-the-art (2+1)D v-USPhydro, for the simulation of jet distributions and substructure observables for lead-lead collisions at LHC energy scales. We present the jet nuclear modification $R_{AA}$ and anisotropic flow coefficients $v_{n=2,3}$ varying the jet cone radius $R$, in the context of anti-$k_T$ jets, in addition to leading subjet fragmentation. The calculations indicate the impacts of the hydrodynamic evolution and weakly-coupled medium response, given by recoils, on the distributions. Results are compared to experimental data in a wide range of jet $p_T$ and collision centrality, and displayed along large jets ($R \ge 0.6$) predictions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.438.0188
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