PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 447 - Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources XIV (MULTIF2023) - Astrophysics of High Energy Cosmic Sources
An explosive year: first X-ray polarization detection of supernova remnants
R. Ferrazzoli*  on behalf of the IXPE collaboration
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Published on: April 17, 2024
The study of young supernova remnants (SNRs) is pivotal in understanding non-thermal X-rays in our universe and the primary sources of Galactic cosmic rays.
However, critical questions about the conditions at their shock fronts, including magnetic field orientation and turbulence, remain unanswered.
The anticipation of polarized X-ray synchrotron emissions from these SNRs offers unique insights into magnetic field properties that are crucial for theories involving shock acceleration and magnetic field amplification in SNRs.
The NASA/ASI Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), launched in December 2021, is the first mission entirely dedicated to X-ray polarimetry.
SNRs are a prime example of the novelties that IXPE brings to astrophysics, as its imaging-capable detectors allow us to perform spatially resolved X-ray polarimetry of extended sources with a spatial resolution of 30”.
We report on the first results of the IXPE observation of the core-collapse SNR Cas A - that was the first target of the IXPE scientific campaign – and the Ia SNRs Tycho and SN 1006.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.447.0041
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