PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 449 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023) - T12 Detector R&D and Data Handling
Quantum algorithms for charged particle track reconstruction in the LUXE experiment
Y.C. Yap
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Pre-published on: December 14, 2023
Published on: March 21, 2024
LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment) is a new experiment in planning in Hamburg, which will study Quantum Electrodynamics at the strong-field frontier. LUXE intends to measure the positron production rate in this unprecedented regime by using, among others, a silicon tracking detector. The large number of expected positrons traversing the sensitive detector layers results in an extremely challenging combinatorial problem, which can become computationally expensive for classical computers. We investigate the potential future use of gate-based quantum computers for pattern recognition in track reconstruction, based on a quadratic unconstrained binary optimisation and a quantum graph neural network. This report introduces these approaches and compares their performance with a classical track reconstruction algorithm.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.449.0562
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