PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 457 - Workshop Italiano sulla Fisica  ad Alta Intensità (WIFAI2023) - session CKM and CP violation
Overview of time-dependent $C\!P$ violation in $B$ meson decays
J. Kandra
Full text: Not available
The Belle II and LHCb experiments are currently taking data with the goal of testing the standard model predictions and finding evidence of new physics. Opportunities for probing these theories come from time-dependent $C\!P$ violation measurements in $B$ meson decays. Some recent results are presented, covering the CKM angles $\phi_1$ ($\beta$), $\phi_3$ ($\gamma$), $\phi_s$ and other observables of $B_s$-meson decays.
We present some highlights and discuss their experimental challenges, analysis techniques, uncertainties, limitations and future prospects.
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