PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 461 - High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VIII (HEPROVIII) - Oral presentations
Electron acceleration and advection model for the high energy emission from the large scale jet of AGNs
A. Abdulrahman
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The detection of hard X-ray emission from the kilo-parsec scale jet of active galactic nuclei cannot be interpreted as the synchrotron emission mechanism from the electron distribution responsible for the radio/optical emission. The X-ray emission when interpreted as IC/CMB process, the Compton spectral component will peak at GeV energy. The non-detection of significant gamma-ray flux from these large scale jets by Fermi disfavoured this model, particularly at low redshifts. Alternately, synchrotron emission from a different electron population is suggested. However, the X-ray emissions from the jet of AGN at high redshift are usually interpreted as inverse-Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons, due to the increase in CMB photon density. But, recent Fermi 𝛾-ray flux upper limit estimates on jet emission from the high redshift source
J1510+5702 questions the validity of the IC/CMB model. In this work, we consider a model where the electron distribution responsible for the multi-spectral component emissions from the large scale jets of AGN is composed of accelerated and advected electron distributions.
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