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PoS for authors

PoS opens access to your contribution

PoS - Proceedings of Science is a web based fully automatic online publication service. A chairperson - appointed by the Conference Organising Committee - is in charge of the electronic publication of the proceedings, while the PoS editorial office <pos-eo@pos.sissa.it> provides any technical assistance that may be required.

Contributions must be submitted from your author pages as a pdf file formatted in the PoS style. The style files for both LaTeX and for word processing are available on your author pages, while detailed instructions will be sent to all authors with the invitation to submit their contribution.

To submit their contributions, authors are requested to follow the instructions below. Please take note of the deadline for your specific conference.

Submission of contribution

Contributions can be submitted only by web upload from your author pages in .pdf format.
To submit a contribution you should connect to your author pages and click on the "workarea" link.

When the conference web interface is set up authors are assigned a personal userID and password for uploading their contribution on the PoS web page, and a contribution ID (for example PoS(MOC2000)001 is the first contribution of the conference "Mock conference" whose conference ID has been chosen by the chairperson to be "MOC2000"). Please use the contribution ID in any correspondence with the PoS editorial office and the chairperson.

As part of the PoS copyright policy (see below for details), submitted contributions bear by default the following statement:

Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Should you have any doubts please contact the PoS editorial office at pos-eo@pos.sissa.it

File preparation

The file to be submitted is to be prepared as follows:

  • Download and unpack the .zip archive from your Author pages ("workarea" → "template files and instructions"). You will find the LaTeX package pos.sty with the PoS logo, a skeleton file for word processing contributions and the PoSauthmanual.pdf. You should always use the newest available templates, as these may have been updated from previous editions of the same conference.
  • No language editing is provided by the PoS editorial office, so please note that only papers written in standard (comprehensible) English will be accepted for publication.
  • We recommend referring to the guidelines in this document for colorblind friendly figures formatting.

LaTeX users

  • Write your manuscript using the PoS class and the TeX skeleton file available in your work area. Please also consider to use our official template on Overleaf, available here.
  • Please do not change the content of the field \FullConference{...}, and accurately fill \author{...} and \title{...}, etc.
  • If some of the metadata on the first page you fill in are incorrect or differ from the PoS style you will be asked to resubmit your contribution since the pdf file cannot be modified by the editorial office.
  • Create a pdf file with your favourite system. You will find some suggestions in the file PoSauthmanual.pdf.
  • Do not compress (zip) the file.

Word processor users

  • Write your manuscript using the PoStemplate.odt skeleton file (the free software can be downloaded from the internet, for instance OpenOffice).
  • Please fill in with the utmost care the fields author, title and abstract.
  • Do not modify the name conference details provided in the template, or the copyright line.
  • If some of the metadata on the first page you fill in are incorrect or differ from the PoS style you will be asked to resubmit your contribution since the pdf file cannot be modified by the editorial office.
  • Export the document as pdf.
  • Do not compress (zip) the file.

File upload

The submission procedure is divided in two steps. The first consists in uploading the file. The second in closing the submission.

To submit your contribution go to the upload page on your Author pages ("login" → "workarea"), fill in the required fields and click on the "Submit" button. At this stage you are enabled to view/check your main file, metadata and attachments (if any), and replace/correct them if necessary. The submission is completed once you click on the "close" button, only then will the chairperson be able to make a decision.

After submission

After closing a submission, authors can access the files in their pages. From then on the file(s) can only be replaced with the chairperson's consent ("Request an update"). Authos will be notified once the chairperson has made a decision ("Accept", "Request revision", "Reject").

Contributions are considered, processed and reviewed as fairly as possible. Authors of contributions that have been rejected may appeal for reconsideration and reply to the conference chairperson. Appeals must be scientifically justified and not polemic. Please send your rebuttal letters by connecting to your author page and using the "write to Editorial Office" button.

After acceptance

If requested by the conference chairperson, accepted contributions can be pre-published on the PoS website and therefore made available to readers before their actual publication.

At the time of pre-publication or, if the chairperson has not requested it, upon publication PoS takes care of registering DOIs for every contribution with CrossRef who, in turn, send out metadata to its affiliates, websites and services to give contributions higher visibility.

Pre-published contributions may still change slightly, if needed, although they are already available to all readers and citeable by others.

To ensure correct citations, a how-to-cite tool is available on each pre-published contribution’s web page, indicating that the contribution is a temporary version. As soon as publication takes place, the how-to-cite text changes automatically and changes to the contribution are no longer possible. Published contributions are indexed by the main indexing services, among which ADS-NASA and INSPIRE.

Open Access and Copyright

By default, from the time of submission authors retain the copyright of their contribution and apply the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License to their work. This allows everybody to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full text of PoS contributions and allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose free of charge.

Upon submission of their article, authors may choose to transfer the copyright to third parties such as their institution. Also in this case the other terms of the PoS Open Access and Copyright policy stand. Any specific request regarding copyright, license, Open Access and related issues should be addressed to the PoS editorial office who will check their feasibility.


All those who have made a significant contribution to a manuscript must be cited as co-authors.

According to PoS policy, authorship is based on the following 4 criteria:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Other contributors to the study should be acknowledged, but not cited as authors.

All co-authors are assumed to share full responsibility for all of the paper and are expected to agree on this and on the order in which they appear in the author list.

Authorship or acknowledgements must not be used misleadingly to imply a contribution or endorsement by anyone who has not been involved with the work.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that:

  • all authors have approved the final version of the article as accepted for publication;
  • the manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal at the time of submission;
  • all co-author details and contacts are correct at the time of submission.

Authors must fully acknowledge the work of others (be it published or unpublished) used in their research and cite publications that have influenced their study. Information obtained in private correspondence or conversation can only be used with the explicit permission of the persons involved. Information obtained whilst refereeing research articles or grant applications should only be used if permission of the original author is provided. Permission by the original authors is required for any figures or extracts subject to copyright.

Including superfluous references to the authors’ own work or the works of others to promote and inflate citation scores is considered unethical.

PoS adheres to the ethical principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Following COPE's mission, ethical aspects of conference proceedings publication are currently under discussion (https://publicationethics.org/resources/forum-discussions/ethical-aspects-conference-proceedings). By submitting a proceeding contribution to PoS based on work presented and published previously as part of another peer-reviewed conference, or in a Journal, authors implicitly confirm checking that there are no copyright infringements, commit to referencing this clearly (including the DOI), and must describe in the acknowledgements section what has been added/modified and/or which new results have been included to make the new publication worth its while.

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ISSN 1824-8039 | Published by Sissa Medialab srl Partita IVA: IT01097780322