PoS - Proceedings of Science
CENet2017 22-23 July, 2017 Shanghai, China

This conference proceeding is a collection of the papers accepted by the CENet 2017 − the 7th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks held on Shanghai from 22−23 July, 2017.

This proceeding contains the five parts: Part I focuses on Machine learning (21 papers); Part II Wireless communication (21 papers); Part III Information theory (21 papers), Part IV Cloud science (14 papers) and Part V Data analysis (21 papers).

Each part can be used as an excellent reference by industry practitioners, university faculty, and undergraduate as well as graduate students who need to build a knowledge base of the most current advances and state-of-practice in the topics covered by this conference proceedings. This will enable them to produce, maintain, and manage systems with high levels of trustworthiness and complexity

Thanks go to the authors for their hard work and dedication as well as the reviewers for ensuring the selection of only the highest quality papers; their efforts made this proceedings possible.

CENet2015 12-13 September 2015 Shanghai, China
This book is a collection of the papers accepted by CENet 2015 − the 5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (CENet), which was held from 12−13 September, 2015 in Shanghai, China. It has 87 papers and seven parts. Part I focuses on Intelligent Algorithm with 14 papers; Part II emphasizes Data Processing with 13 papers; Part III Pattern Recognition includes 14 papers; Part IV has 8 papers devoted to one of the most exciting technologies currently surging in popularity − Cloud Computing; Part V covers recent advances in Coordinate Scheduling with 13 papers ; Part VI has 13 papers dedicated to Computer Vision; and finally Part VII focuses on Information Fusion with 12 papers. Each part can be used as an excellent reference by industry practitioners, university faculty, and undergraduate as well as graduate students who need to build a knowledge base of the most current advances and state-of-practice in the topics covered by this book. This will enable them to produce, maintain, and manage systems with high levels of trustworthiness and complexity that provide critical services in a variety of applications. Thanks go to the authors for their hard work and dedication as well as the reviewers for ensuring the selection of only the highest quality papers; their efforts made this book possible.