@article{Kabana:2001HH, author = "Kabana, Sonja and Ambrosini, G. and Arsenescu, R. and Beck, H. P. and Borer, K. and Hess, P. and Klingenberg, R. and Lehmann, G. and Mommsen, R. and Pretzl, K. and Schacher, J. and Spiwoks, R. and Stoffel, F. and Weber, Michele and Baglin, C. and Bussiere, A. and Guillaud, J. P. and Elsener, K. and Lohmann, K. D. and Gorodetzky, Ph. and Linden, Tomas and Tuominiemi, J.", title = "{Strangelets, strangeness and antimatter: results from the experiment NA52 at CERN }", doi = "10.22323/1.007.0249", journal = "PoS", year = 2001, volume = "hep2001", pages = "249" }