@article{Kwon:2010Ri, author = "Kwon, Young Kwan and Lee, C. H. and Moon, J.Y. and Lee, Jake and Kim, J.Y. and Kubono, S. and Iwasa, N. and Inafuku, K. and Yamaguchi, H. and He, J.J. and Sidoti, Antonio and Wakabayashi, Y. and Fujikawa, H. and Amadio, G. and Khiem, L. H. and Tanaka, M. and Chen, Alan A. and Kato, S.", title = "{Study of astrophysically important resonant states in $^{26}$Si by the $^{28}$Si($^{4}$He,$^{6}$He)$^{26}$Si reaction}", doi = "10.22323/1.028.0024", journal = "PoS", year = 2010, volume = "NIC-IX", pages = "024" }