  author = "Alcorta, Martin  and  Jeppesen, Henrik B.  and  Borge, Maria J.G.  and  Fynbo, Hans O.U.  and  Garcia, G.  and  Kirsebom, O.  and  Madurga Flores, Miguel  and  Nyman, G.  and  Obradors, D.  and  Tengblad, O.",
  title = "{Mapping of the $^{12}$C* and $^{9}$B* states of astrophysical interest via the $^{10}$B$(^{3}$He,$p\alpha\alpha\alpha)$ Reaction}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.028.0067",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2010,
  volume = "NIC-IX",
  pages = "067"