  author = "Makinaga, A.  and  Utsunomiya, H.  and  Goko, S.  and  Kaihori, T.  and  Akimune, H.  and  Yamagata, T.  and  Hohara, S.  and  Goriely, S.  and  Toyokawa, H.  and  Harano, H.  and  Matsumoto, T.  and  Harada, H.  and  Kitatani, F.  and  Hara, Kazuhiko  and  Lui, Y.-W.",
  title = "{Photodisintegration of $^{80}$Se, $^{94}$Zr, and $^{108}$Pd as a probe of neutron capture for radioactive nuclei}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.028.0239",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2010,
  volume = "NIC-IX",
  pages = "239"