  author = "Syritsyn, Sergey  and  Bratt, Jonathan  and  Lin, Meifeng  and  Meyer, Harvey  and  Negele, John  and  Pochinsky, Andrew  and  Procura, Massimiliano  and  Edwards, Robert  and  Orginos, Kostas  and  Richards, David G.  and  Engelhardt, Michael  and  Fleming, George  and  Hagler, Ph.  and  MUSCH, Bernhard  and  Renner, Dru B.  and  Schroers, Wolfram",
  title = "{Title: Nucleon Structure with Domain Wall Fermions at a = 0.086 fm }",
  doi = "10.22323/1.066.0169",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory  {\textemdash} PoS(LATTICE 2008)",
  year = 2009,
  volume = "066",
  pages = "169"