@inproceedings{WOZNIAK:2010Md, author = "WOZNIAK, Krzysztof and Alver, B. and Back, B. B and Baker, M. D. and Ballintijn, M. and Barton, D. S. and Betts, R. R and Bickley, A. A and Bindel, R. and Busza, W. and Carroll, A. and Chai, Z. and Chetluru, V. and Decowski, M. P. and Garcia, E. and Gburek, T. and George, N. and Gulbrandsen, K. and Halliwell, C. and Hamblen, J. and Harnarine, I. and Hauer, M. and Henderson, C. and Hofman, Dave J. and Hollis, R. S. and Holynski, R. and Holzman, B. and Iordanova, A. and Johnson, E. and Kane, J. L. and Khan, N. and Kulinich, P. and Kuo, Chih-Yu and Li, Wei and Lin, W. T. and Loizides, Constantinos and Manly, S. and Mignerey, A. C. and Nouicer, Rachid and Olszewski, Andrzej and Pak, R. and Reed, C. and Richardson, E. and Roland, C. and Roland, G. and Sagerer, J. and Seals, H. and Sedykh, I. and Smith, C. E. and Stankiewicz, M. A. and Steinberg, Peter Alan and Stephans, George S.F. and Sukhanov, A. and Szostak, A. and Tonjes, M. B. and Trzupek, Adam and Vale, C. and van Nieuwenhuizen, Gerrit J. and Vaurynovich, S. S and Verdier, R. and Veres, G. I. and Walters, P. and Wenger, E. and Willhelm, D. and Wolfs, F. L.H. and Wosiek, Barbara and Wyngaardt, S. and Wyslouch, B.", title = "{Properties of the matter created in heavy ion collisions – results from the PHOBOS experiment}", doi = "10.22323/1.084.0037", booktitle = "Proceedings of European Physical Society Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics {\textemdash} PoS(EPS-HEP 2009)", year = 2010, volume = "084", pages = "037" }