  author = "Plackett, Richard  and  AKIBA, Kazu  and  Artuso, Marina  and  Bayer, Florian  and  Buytaert, Jan  and  Campbell, Myron  and  Collins, Paula  and  Crossley, Michael  and  Dumps, Raphael  and  Eklund, Lars  and  Esperante, Daniel  and  Ferre Llin, Lourdes  and  Gallas Torreira, Abraham  and  Gandelman, Miriam  and  Gersabeck, Marco  and  GLIGOROV, Vladimir  and  Huse, Torkjell  and  John, Malcolm  and  Llopart, Xavier  and  Maneuski, Dzmitry  and  Michel, Thilo  and  Nicol, Michelle  and  Parkes, Chris  and  Poikela, Toumas  and  Rodrigues, Eduardo  and  Tlustos, Lukas",
  title = "{Preliminary Results using Timepix as a Particle Tracking Detector}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.095.0024",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of VERTEX 2009  (18th workshop) {\textemdash} PoS(VERTEX 2009)",
  year = 2010,
  volume = "095",
  pages = "024"