@inproceedings{Kordyasz:2010Be, author = "Kordyasz, Andrzej J. and Kowalczyk, M. and Bednarek, Wlodek and Bardelli, L. and Lavergne, L. and Sarnecki, J. and Kisielinski, M. and Brzozowski, A. and Pytel, K. and Tarasiuk, J. and Grabiec, P and Panas, Andrzej", title = "{Determination of Si wafer resistivity distributions by C-V measurements}", doi = "10.22323/1.098.0016", booktitle = "Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors {\textemdash} PoS(RD09)", year = 2010, volume = "098", pages = "016" }