  author = "Copperwheat, Chris  and  Marsh, Tom  and  Littlefair, Stuart  and  Dhillon, Vik  and  Ramsay, Gavin  and  Drake, Andrew  and  Gaensicke, Boris  and  Groot, Paul  and  Hakala, Pasi  and  Koester, Detlev  and  Nelemans, Gijs  and  Roelofs, Gijs  and  Southworth, John  and  Steeghs, Danny  and  Tulloch, Simon",
  title = "{ULTRACAM observations of SDSS J0926+3624: The first known eclipsing AM CVn star}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.108.0023",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of High Time Resolution Astrophysics (HTRA) IV - The Era of Extremely Large Telescopes {\textemdash} PoS(HTRA-IV)",
  year = 2011,
  volume = "108",
  pages = "023"