@article{Paltani:2011nG, author = "Paltani, Stéphane and Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier and Mehdipour, Missagh and Ponti, G. and Detmers, Rob and Malzac, Julien and Lubinski, Piotr and Kaastra, Jelle and Bianco, Stefano and Cappi, Massimo and Steenbrugge, Katrien and Kriss, Gerard and Arav, N. and Blustin, Alex and Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella and Costantini, Elisa and Dadina, Mauro and de Vries, Cor", title = "{XMM and INTEGRAL monitoring of MRK 509: The origin of X-ray emission in AGN}", doi = "10.22323/1.115.0009", journal = "PoS", year = 2011, volume = "INTEGRAL 2010", pages = "009" }