  author = "DONVITO, Giacinto  and  Fella, Armando  and  SANTERAMO, Bruno  and  CIASCHINI, Vincenzo  and  GIACOMINI, Francesco  and  Gianoli, Alberto  and  Luppi, Eleonora  and  Manzali, Matteo  and  Tomassetti, Luca  and  Rama, Matteo  and  DEL PRETE, Domenico  and  RUSSO, Guido  and  PARDI, Silvio  and  STROILI, Roberto  and  CORVO, Marco  and  LONGO, Stefano  and  Perez, Alejandro  and  Bianchi, Fabrizio",
  title = "{SuperB evaluation of Dirac Distributed Infrastructure}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.162.0030",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of EGI Community Forum 2012 / EMI Second Technical Conference {\textemdash} PoS(EGICF12-EMITC2)",
  year = 2012,
  volume = "162",
  pages = "030"