  author = "Bazavov, Alexei  and  Bernard, Claude  and  Bouchard, Chris  and  DeTar, Carleton  and  Du, Daping  and  El-Khadra, Aida X  and  Foley, Justin  and  Freeland, E. D.  and  Gamiz, Elvira  and  Gottlieb, Steven  and  Heller, U. M.  and  Hetrick, J. E.  and  Kim, Jongjeong  and  Kronfeld, Andreas  and  Laiho, John  and  Levkova, Ludmila  and  Lightman, Matthew  and  Mackenzie, Paul B.  and  Neil, Ethan  and  Oktay, M. B.  and  Simone, James N.  and  Sugar, Robert  and  Toussaint, Doug  and  Van de Water, Ruth  and  Zhou, Ran",
  title = "{Two-point correlator fits on HISQ ensembles}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.164.0158",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2012,
  volume = "Lattice 2012",
  pages = "158"