  author = "Kostrzewa, Bartosz  and  Abdel-Rehim, Abdou M.  and  Boucaud, Ph.  and  Carrasco Vela, Nuria  and  Deuzeman, Albert  and  Dimopoulos, Petros  and  Frezzotti, Roberto  and  Herdoiza, Gregorio  and  Jansen, Karl  and  Brinet, Mariane  and  Montvay, Istvan  and  Palao, David  and  Rossi, Giancarlo  and  Sanfilippo, Francesco  and  Scorzato, Luigi  and  Shindler, Andrea  and  Urbach, Carsten  and  Wenger, Urs",
  title = "{Preliminary results from maximally twisted mass lattice QCD at the physical point}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.187.0264",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2014,
  volume = "LATTICE 2013",
  pages = "264"