@article{Spyrou:2015vy, author = "Spyrou, Artemis and Quinn, Stephen and Simon, Anna and Battaglia, A. and Best, Andreas and Bucher, Brian and Couder, Manoƫl and DeYoung, Paul and Dombos, Alex C and Fang, Xiao and Goerres, Joachim and Greene, John and Kontos, Antonios and Li, Qian and Lin, Ling-Ying and Long, Alexander and Lyons, Stephanie and Meyer, B. S. and Rauscher, Thomas and Roberts, Amy and Robertson, Daniel and Smith, Karl and Smith, M. K. and Stech, Edward and Tan, Wanpeng and Tang, Xiaodong and Wiescher, Michael", title = "{P process overview: (p,gamma) and (alpha,gamma) reactions in regular and inverse kinematics}", doi = "10.22323/1.204.0025", journal = "PoS", year = 2015, volume = "NIC XIII", pages = "025" }