@inproceedings{Neelamkodan:2014yx, author = "Neelamkodan, Naslim and Kemper, Ciska and Yang, Yao-Lun and Hony, Sacha and Bernard, Jean-Philippe and Gordon, Karl and Reach, William T. and Bot, caroline and Morata, Oscar and Hirashita, Hiroyuki and Seok, Ji Yeon and Madden, Suzanne C. and Hughes, Annie", title = "{Dust and Gas in diffuse interstellar medium of the Large Magellanic Cloud}", doi = "10.22323/1.207.0081", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Life Cycle of Dust in the Universe: Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments {\textemdash} PoS(LCDU2013)", year = 2014, volume = "207", pages = "081" }