@inproceedings{Sakon:2014wn, author = "Sakon, Itsuki and Onaka, Takashi and Kataza, Hirokazu and Wada, Takehiko and Sarugaku, Yuki and Matsuhara, Hideo and Nakagawa, Takao and Kobayashi, Naoto and Kemper, Ciska and Ohyama, Youichi and Matsumoto, Toshio and Seok, Ji Yeon", title = "{Dust Science with SPICA/MCS}", doi = "10.22323/1.207.0082", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Life Cycle of Dust in the Universe: Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments {\textemdash} PoS(LCDU2013)", year = 2014, volume = "207", pages = "082" }