  author = "CRAVEN, Christopher  and  Bennis, Daniel C.  and  Bond, Justin L.  and  Minot, Michael J.  and  O'Mahony, Aileen  and  Renaud, Joseph M.  and  Stochaj, Michael E.  and  BYRUM, Karen  and  Elam, Jeffrey W.  and  Mane, Anil  and  Wagner, Robert  and  McPhate, Jason B.  and  Siegmund, Oswald H.W.  and  Elagin, Andrey  and  Frisch, Henry J.  and  Northrop, Richard  and  WETSTEIN, Matthew",
  title = "{Large Area Microchannel Plates for LAPPD™}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.213.0077",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 {\textemdash} PoS(TIPP2014)",
  year = 2015,
  volume = "213",
  pages = "077"