@inproceedings{Trenado:2015EP, author = "Trenado, Juan and CELA RUIZ, Jose Manuel and Comerma, Albert and Gascon, David and GRACIANI DIAZ, Ricardo and Freixas, Lluis and Marín, Jesus and Martínez, Gustavo and Masachs, Ramon and Perez, Jose Manuel and Rato, Pedro and Sanchez, David and Sanuy, Andreu and Sarasola, Iciar", title = "{Performance of FlexToT Time Based PET Readout ASIC for Depth of Interaction Measurements}", doi = "10.22323/1.213.0241", booktitle = "Proceedings of Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 {\textemdash} PoS(TIPP2014)", year = 2015, volume = "213", pages = "241" }