  author = "Muccino, Marco  and  Ruffini, Remo  and  Kovacevic, Milos  and  Izzo, Luca  and  Oliveira, Fernanda G.  and  Rueda, Jorge A.  and  Bianco, Carlo Luciano  and  Enderli, Maxime  and  Penacchioni, Ana V.  and  Pisani, GiovanniBattista  and  Wang, Yu  and  Zaninoni, Elena",
  title = "{GRB 140619B: a short GRB from a neutron star merger leading to the black hole formation}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.233.0086",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2015,
  volume = "SWIFT 10",
  pages = "086"