  author = "Eser, Johannes  and  Adams, James H.  and  Attallah, Reda  and  Bacholle, Simon  and  Barrillon, Pierre  and  Bertaina, Mario E.  and  Cafagna, Francesco  and  Campana, Donatella  and  Catalano, Camille  and  Christl, Mark J.  and  Dagoret-Campagne, Sylvie  and  Fouka, Mourad  and  Guarino, Fausto  and  Jung, Aera  and  Kuznetsov, Evgeny  and  Mayotte, Eric William  and  Moretto, Camille  and  Osteria, Giuseppe  and  Painter, William  and  Panico, Beatrice  and  Perfetto, F.  and  Prévôt, Guillaume  and  Rabanal Reina, Julio Arturo  and  Rodencal, Matthew  and  Sahnoun, Zouleikha  and  Sawatzki, Jurgen  and  Scotti, Valentina  and  Suino, Gregorio  and  von Ballmoos, Peter  and  Wiencke, Lawrence",
  title = "{EUSO-Balloon: Observation and Measurement of Tracks from a Laser in a Helicopter }",
  doi = "10.22323/1.236.0638",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2015)",
  year = 2016,
  volume = "236",
  pages = "638"