  author = "Zimba, George Iowani  and  Bvumbi, Suzan  and  Masiteng, Paulus  and  Jones, Pete  and  Sharpey-Schafer, John F.  and  Lawrie, Elena  and  Majola, Siyabonga  and  Dinoko, Tshepo  and  Lawrie, Jacobus  and  Roux, David  and  Papka, Paul  and  Easton, Jayson  and  NEGI, Dinesh  and  Shirinda, Obed  and  Khumalo, Nontobeko",
  title = "{First observation of E1 transitions from the octupole band to the excited 02}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.238.0021",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 53rd International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics {\textemdash} PoS(Bormio2015)",
  year = 2015,
  volume = "238",
  pages = "021"