@article{D'Arcangelo:20164f, author = "D'Arcangelo, Ocleto and Tudisco, Onofrio and Ceccuzzi, Silvio and Fuenfgelder, Helmut and Rocchi, Giuliano and Conway, Garrard and De Masi, Gianluca and Fattorini, Luca and Friesen, Johannes and Meneses, Luís and Noterdaeme, Jean-Marie and Siegl, Gerhard and Silva, Antonio and Simonetto, Alessandro and Tuccillo, Angelo and Vierle, Thomas and Zammuto, Irene", title = "{Realization, Installation And Testing Of The Multichannel Reflectometer's Transmission Lines At Icrf Antenna In Asdex Upgrade}", doi = "10.22323/1.240.0067", journal = "PoS", year = 2016, volume = "ECPD2015", pages = "067" }