@inproceedings{Tanaka:20164i, author = "Tanaka, Masayoshi and Makino, Seiji and Fujimura, Hisako and Ohta, Takeshi and Yosoi, Masaru and Fujiwara, Mamoru and Kasamatsu, Yuto and Ueda, Kunihiro and Rouille, Gerard and Frossati, Giorgio and de Waard, Arlette", title = "{Production of Hyperpolarized 3He Gas for Medical Imaging}", doi = "10.22323/1.243.0045", booktitle = "Proceedings of XVIth International Workshop in Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry {\textemdash} PoS(PSTP2015)", year = 2016, volume = "243", pages = "045" }