“Multimessenger” astrophysics, connecting traditional astronomy with cosmic ray (CR),γ -ray and neutrino observations, is a new branch of physics connecting particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. It is made possible by the availability of experimental techniques and detectors developed for high-energy physics. These have allowed the realization of sensible detectors in space (for the measurement of the primary CR flux, search for primary antimatter, astrophysical studies of γ -ray sources up to hundreds of GeV), on the Earth surface (arrays of detectors for the study of the high energy component of CRs, the identification and characterizations of γ -ray sources up to hundreds of TeV), deep underground detectors (for studies of neutrino oscillations, measurement of solar neutrinos, searches for neutrinos from gravitational core-collapse of mas-
sive stars) and under kilometers of water or ice (detection of high-energy neutrinos emitted from
astrophysical accelerators). The experimental identification of the engines (or class of engines)able to accelerate protons to energies orders of magnitude larger than in the LHC is one of major open problems in multimessenger astrophysics. In additions, almost all experiments enter in the game for the indirect searches for dark matter candidates.
All the involved detectors are characterized by long term measurement campaigns in hostile or
inaccessible environments, requiring stable, robust, low cost and low-power electronics detectors.
Here, we present a brief outlook and perspectives for the multimessenger studies, with particular
attentions to cosmic neutrinos and ground-based observatories of air shower.