PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 266 - INFN Workshop on Future Detectors (IFD2015) - NEUTRAL PARTICLES
New neutron detections
M.V. Osipenko
Full text: pdf
Published on: July 31, 2017
Neutron detection is a broad field for fundamental research a
nd applications. Its development is presently following an evolutionary scenario when the known detector technologies are being improved in their performances. Important advances are made by developing Pulse Shape Discrimi- nation capable plastic and polysiloxane scintillators, which combine n/ γ separation with handling simplicity of solid scintillators. GEM and MicroMega detectors promise to make a breakthrough in the neutron imaging applications, providing a good spaci al resolution combined with a large detector area. Diamond detectors allow to exploit the semic onductor detector advantages in very
high neutron fluxes of fission or fusion reactors. These and ma ny other developments are ongoing and will be implemented in upcoming experiments and applied research facilities.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.266.0023
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