@inproceedings{Cartiglia:2017O8, author = "Cartiglia, Nicolò and Cenna, F. and Ferrero, M. and Monaco, V. and Obertino, Maria Margherita and Sacchi, R. and Dalla Betta, G F and Pancheri, L. and Boscardin, M. and Paternoster, G. and Dellacasa, G. and Garbolino, S. and Rivetti, A. and Rolo, M. and Sola, V. and Staiano, A. and Arcidiacono, R. and Baldassarri, B.", title = "{Tracking in 4 dimensions}", doi = "10.22323/1.266.0026", booktitle = "Proceedings of INFN Workshop on Future Detectors {\textemdash} PoS(IFD2015)", year = 2017, volume = "266", pages = "026" }