IFD2015: conclusive remarks and perspectives
G. Bonvicini*, N. Pastrone, D. Calvo, M.G. Catanesi, P. Olivero and E. Previtali
Published on:
July 31, 2017
In 2013 INFN started the What Next (WN) program, a process based on open and wide scientific discussions to investigate possible new research ideas and to promote new science-driven experiments. It is clear that new or improved technologies will play a crucial role to pave the road towards the necessary breakthrough for possible discoveries. Within this framework, the INFN Workshop on Future Detectors (IFD2015) was organized to identify and discuss new ideas, to be explored in a technology-driven approach and exploiting synergies amongst different research groups. This paper summarizes the highlights and the perspectives for further discussion.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.266.0038
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