PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 269 - Frontier Research in Astrophysics – II (FRAPWS2016) - High Energy Astrophsyics
Cosmic Accelerators: New Surprises in the CTA Era
P. Meintjes
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Pre-published on: August 02, 2017
Published on: November 15, 2017
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will provide a paradigm shift in terms of sensitivity and angular resolution, combined with a wide field of view (fov) for rapid survey work. The CTA threshold energy for detecting atmospheric Cherenkov showers will overlap with the Fermi-LAT energy regime, which provides an unique opportunity for detailed combined studies of gamma-ray pulsar emission as well as potential gamma-ray burst (GRB) sources. Apart from detailed studies of neutron star pulsars, pulsar wind nebulae and extra galactic sources like blazars, the unique sensitivity of CTA may provide the opportunity to study weaker emitters like cataclysmic variables. Of particular interest may be spun-up white dwarfs that went through a period of high mass accretion in the past. It has been shown that these systems may possess the required energetics to accelerate charged particles like electrons and nuclei to relativistic energies, which may produce high energy gamma-ray emission, through processes like inverse Compton scattering and pion decay. Two examples are discussed, namely AE Aquarii and the newly discovered AR Scorpii.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.269.0031
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