PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 274 - XIII International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2016) - Top Physics
Review of top quark production at LHC and Tevatron
K. Kawade* and  On behalf of ATLAS, CDF, CMS, DØ, and LHCb collaborations
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Published on: January 24, 2017
A summary of recent results on top quark production at LHC and Tevatron are presented in this paper.
The measurements of top quark production were performed in various
energies ($\sqrt{s} =$ 1.96, 7, 8, 13\,TeV) and initial states ($p\bar{p}$ and $pp$)
by the ATLAS, CDF, CMS, D\O{} and LHCb experiments.
The measured top quark pair production cross-section is in good agreement
with the standard model predictions in each energy region.
Differential cross-sections were also measured and compared with several theoretical predictions.
Most of the higher order QCD models reproduce the experimental data well,
while a slight discrepancy in a certain phase space such as higher top quark $p_{T}$ region is observed.
Electroweak single top quark production was also measured and the results are
consistent with theoretical predictions at the various energies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.274.0038
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