@article{Sullivan:2017hz, author = "Sullivan, Tristan and Sullivan, T. and Aguilar-Arevalo, A. and Aoki, M. and Blecher, M. and Britton, D.I and Bryman, D.A and Bruch, D. vom and Chen, S. and Comfort, J. and Cuen-Rochin, S. and Doria, L. and Gumplinger, P. and Hussein, A. and Igarashi, Y. and Ito, S. and Kettell, S.H and Kurchaninov, L. and Littenberg, L.S and Malbrunot, C. and Mischke, R.E and Numao, T. and Protopopescu, D. and Sher, A. and Vavilov, D.", title = "{Initial results from the PIENU experiment}", doi = "10.22323/1.274.0043", journal = "PoS", year = 2017, volume = "HQL 2016", pages = "043" }