PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 275 - 4th Annual Conference on High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa (HEASA 2016) - Astropartical Physics and Cosmology (Chair: Iu Sushch)
The origin of radio relics in galaxy clusters: a combined $\gamma$ and radio wavelength analysis.
C.M. Paulo*, S. Colafrancesco and P. Marchegiani
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Published on: June 23, 2017
Radio relics are diffuse radio sources which are detected usually at the outskirts of galaxy clusters. They provide important information about the origin of non-thermal processes taking place in the cluster atmospheres. At the time of writing this paper, 78 relics are known, while currently available models predict that a much larger number of these sources should exist.\\
We discuss in this paper the constraints on the combined radio and $\gamma$-ray emission from these structures in galaxy clusters and we propose a new approach to unveil their origin.\\\\\\
\textbf{Key words.} galaxies: clusters: general, galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium, diffuse radio emissions: radio relics, radiation mechanisms: thermal: non-thermal, acceleration of particles, gamma-rays.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.275.0012
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