PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 276 - Fourth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2016) - Parallel: QCD physics at hadron colliders. Conveners: S. Alioli, A. Tricoli, R. Ulrich
Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
R. Roth*, F. Campanario, S. Sapeta and D. Zeppenfeld
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Pre-published on: October 03, 2016
Published on: March 28, 2017
We study WZ production with anomalous couplings at $\bar{n}$NLO QCD using
the LoopSim method in combination with the Monte Carlo program {\tt VBFNLO}.
Higher order corrections to WZ production are dominated by additional hard jet radiation.
Those contributions are insensitive to anomalous couplings and should thus be removed in analyses.
We do this using a dynamical jet veto based on the transverse energy of the QCD and EW final
state particles.
This removes jet dominated events without introducing problematic logs like a fixed p_{\text{t}} jet
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.276.0141
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