The jet energy scale (JES) uncertainty is estimated using different methods at different pT ranges.
In-situ techniques exploiting the pT balance between a jet and a reference object (e.g. Z or gamma)
are used at lower pT , but at very high pT (> 2.5 TeV) there is not enough statistics for such
in-situ techniques. A low JES uncertainty at high-pT is important in several searches for new
phenomena, e.g. the dijet resonance and angular searches. In the highest pT range, the JES
uncertainty is estimated using the calorimeter response to single hadrons. In this method, jets are
treated as a superposition of energy depositions of single particles. An uncertainty is applied to
each energy deposition belonging to the particles within the jet, and propagated to the final jet
energy scale. This poster presents the JES uncertainty found with this method at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
and its developments.